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Krisy Ouellette has served the Lord with her husband R.B. (René) since their marriage in 1973. After pastoring the same church in Michigan for more than forty years, René is now a full-time evangelist. The Ouellettes still reside in Michigan, and they have two adult daughters.

If anything in life is certain, it is trials. They

come to all of us sooner or later, but somehow we

are always caught off guard. So, when a trial knocks

at your door, Christian, where should your focus be?

With grace from a loving God, Biblical wisdom

learned through years of Christian living, and

transparency born of a desire to help others, in For

This I Have Jesus, Krisy shares the focus of her heart

from the time of her husband’s cancer diagnosis

through the many months of treatment.

This book will be both a blessing and help as she

shares that journey with you.

For this I have Jesus

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